Regeln / Rules
CRRC (2 on the map)
Vehicle Properties:
Items: 50
Weapon: 10
Backpacks: 1
Passengers: ?
Speed: 70
Tools: Adjustable Wrench
Repair: 1 Moto Engine Parts
Nautilus (4 on the map)
Vehicle Properties:
Items: 300
Weapon: 50
Backpacks: 7
Passengers: 7
Speed over water: 88
Speed under water: 88
Tools: Adjustable Wrench
Repair: 2 Hydraulic pipes, 1 Electrical Circuits, 1 Fueltank Parts, 1 Engine Parts
Vehicle Properties:
Items: 50
Weapon: 10
Backpacks: 1
Passengers: ?
Speed: 70
Tools: Hunting Knife, Old pliers, Screwdriver Set
Crafting: 2 Acetone glue, 1 Roll of rubber, 1 Moto Engine Parts, 1 scrap Metal
Raft (10 on the map)
Vehicle Properties:
Items: 200
Weapon: 50
Backpacks: 10
Passengers: ?
Speed: 68
Tools: Adjustable Wrench
Repair: 1 Moto Engine Parts
RHIB (5 on the map)
Vehicle Properties:
Items: 200
Weapon: 60
Backpacks: 8
Passengers: 9
Speed: 68
M2 Machinegun 100|2
Tools: Adjustable Wrench
Repair: 1 Moto Engine Parts
Scrap Ferry (3 on the map)
Vehicle Properties:
Items: 120
Weapon: 15
Backpacks: 5
Passengers: ?
Speed: 76
Tools: Adjustable Wrench
Repair: 1 Moto Engine Parts
Small Raft (13 on the map)
Vehicle Properties:
Items: 150
Weapon: 25
Backpacks: 4
Passengers: ?
Speed: 60
Tools: Adjustable Wrench
Repair: 1 Moto Engine Parts
Biertrinkerzombie bedankt sich ganz herzlich für die Spende bei:
Clan exploZive; Clan Maaskantje; Teriff; H3nni; bambie; Aggromanze; KFJ; NavySniper; [0x00f] Alex; Tobias W.; Clan CL; Alexander H.; Dolan; Blacker; Mike Brewer; Michael W.; Pascal K.; Remi P.; K.G.; Tanky; Hannibal; [420] weirdlytriggered; [FK]Dreifingerjoe; Titan-Heaven; Blank; [BWP] WillivonDichthofen; [420] weirdlytriggered; [420] Calvin; Blank; [DRM] StiflersM0M; [DRM] Peter_Zwegat; Hanzo; [de001]BLSwagger; [BAN] CLAN; Marcus R.; [BJW]Fleiachhammer; Thomas; Capt.Sedaris (V); CottenAsher; ChrisD; Mirko S.; Rex Raglan; [TBH]Foxx1994; [BrB]Mongo-Monkey; [PH]Commando; Twisted;[OBI] El_Tupacco; FbPay Ln; [BrB] Easylife; Errorhead; FbPay Ln; Jimmy Penguin; Morten; [T100]Icegold; Marcin K.; Colin A.; Teriff; Zanmiho; 👍
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